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Driving South
The clouds in British Columbia had character, making quite a skyscape.
Sadly, I didn't stop to take a picture, and by the time I did stop, in
Washington state, the clouds were less cool.
Lake Padden
Me, wearing black, in front of Lake Padden.
| Ditto, though this picture is brighter.
| A very green forest.
Pike Place Market (Seattle)
Market Grill, the counter from which I bought the first part of my lunch.
| Clam chowder: creamy. There's not many clams, but that's sadly typical
of clam chowder. Has potato chunks. Bread: fresh, and better
than what normally comes with soup.
| The Confectional, from which I bought dessert.
| Many varieties of cheesecakes and truffles. The labels are
legible in the full-sized image.
Dessert: a classic cheesecake. It's a good size for a personal serving.
I only discovered the hard graham cracker crust when I peeled the paper
off the cake and saw it. Until then, I assumed my plastic fork was
hitting the plate.
| An epinard (pastry filled with spinach) from Le Panier. I previously had some of
their other
tarts. I carried it on the flight back to California and had
it for dinner at home.
| A sauerkraut, cabbage, onion, and carrot piroshky from Piroshky Piroshky. I
previously ate some of their other piroshkies.
I carried it on the flight back to California and had it for dinner at home.