Up to Montreal and Quebec City - September 23rd-October 1st 2006


September 30th 2006: Outside the Walls of Quebec and a Late Night Ferry Ride

Two movies (1,2) attempt to capture a neat game one man was playing in the streets outside of Old Town. They don't do a very good job of portraying the game but having some video is better than having none. The man is playing hacky sack alone except using a soccer ball instead of a bean bag and bicycle tires instead of one's own feet. Sounds weird, doesn't it? Just watch the videos.

The other two movies are both 360-degree panoramas of Old Quebec and Levis taken during our ferry ride. The one recorded at dusk was taken during the trip outbound from Old Quebec; the one at night was taken during the inbound trip.

There are movies associated with this collection.

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Click on images below to enlarge:
Frankly, I'm not sure if this photo is of Levis or of the dock side of
Old Quebec.  If you believe you know, please tell me.
Excellent.  Vieux-Quebec and especially the Fairmont Le Chateau 
Frontenac at night.  One can even see the buildings themselves.
Frankly, I'm not sure if this photo is of Levis or of the dock side of Old Quebec. If you believe you know, please tell me.
Excellent. Vieux-Quebec and especially the Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac at night. One can even see the buildings themselves.
More Old Quebec Lower Town (Vieux-Quebec Basse-Ville)
The Hotel Frontenac at night.
A painter in an art boutique exercising her craft.  There's something 
about this picture I really like -- I'm not sure why.  I have to give 
it an excellent.
The Hotel Frontenac at night.
A painter in an art boutique exercising her craft. There's something about this picture I really like -- I'm not sure why. I have to give it an excellent.
The slightly garnish exterior of L'Ardoise.  I guess it has to compete a
lot for tourists' eyes.
Inside L'Ardoise. 
Artificially brightened.
Shrimp cocktail.
Carrot and sweet potato soup.
The slightly garnish exterior of L'Ardoise. I guess it has to compete a lot for tourists' eyes.
Inside L'Ardoise.
Artificially brightened.
Shrimp cocktail.
Carrot and sweet potato soup.
Duck breast with port sauce.
Veal medallions with an apple and goat cheese sauce.
Salmon with newburg sauce.
Chocolate truffle cake on praline biscuit.
Duck breast with port sauce.
Veal medallions with an apple and goat cheese sauce.
Salmon with newburg sauce.
Chocolate truffle cake on praline biscuit.
Mango and raspberry mousse layer cake on shortbread.
Mango and raspberry mousse layer cake on shortbread.
Fodder for Panorama of Quebec City from Hotel
Fodder for Panorama of Quebec City from Citadel of Battlefields Park