Up to Summer in New York (2004)


July 24th 2004 - Guggenheim, Museum of the City of New York, Upper Midtown, and more

(though I don't have pictures of the first two)

In this case, more == Katz's Deli.

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Click on images below to enlarge:
Upper Midtown
a building can leave that much open space in a corner and still stand?!
a building can leave that much open space in a corner and still stand?!
yet another weird sculpture
neat reflection
reflections within trump tower shopping complex
yet another weird sculpture
neat reflection
reflections within trump tower shopping complex
St. Thomas Church
St. Thomas Church
odd statue
odd statue
St. Thomas Church
St. Thomas Church
odd statue
odd statue
neat waterfall
neat waterfall
St. Peter's Lutheran Church and the Citigroup Center
St. Peter's Lutheran Church and...
the tower (Citigroup center) right above it with ...
a very odd foundation structure so as not to squash the church
a strong foundation really is needed!
St. Peter's Lutheran Church and...
the tower (Citigroup center) right above it with ...
a very odd foundation structure so as not to squash the church
a strong foundation really is needed!