Up to Washington D.C. (life therein) - September 2011 and onward


Lincoln's Cottage

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Click on images below to enlarge:
Lincoln's Cottage's front entrance.  In Lincoln's time, from here one 
could clearly see the ever-growing cemetery for Union soldiers.
The cottage's south veranda.
It looks down toward Washington D.C.  The view is now obstructed by trees 
but I'm told was clear during Lincoln's time.
Some other houses from the same era on Soldiers' Home grounds.
Lincoln's Cottage's front entrance. In Lincoln's time, from here one could clearly see the ever-growing cemetery for Union soldiers.
The cottage's south veranda.
It looks down toward Washington D.C. The view is now obstructed by trees but I'm told was clear during Lincoln's time.
Some other houses from the same era on Soldiers' Home grounds.
Outside the grounds, most residences in this part of D.C. are identical 
townhouses in rows like this.  The houses are not unique, but they're 
still reasonably attractive and respectable.
More sample houses, this time with larger yards.
Outside the grounds, most residences in this part of D.C. are identical townhouses in rows like this. The houses are not unique, but they're still reasonably attractive and respectable.
More sample houses, this time with larger yards.