Up to Vancouver - August 2nd-6th 2006


August 4th 2006: Yaletown, Granville Island, UBC, Museum of Anthropology, Japanese Garden, Richmond Night Market

Of the three movies:

  • One movie is a panorama looking west from the tip of UBC (University of British Columbia). It was taken near the Museum of Anthropology.
  • Two are of Nitobe Garden, a Japanese garden at UBC. One movie is a panorama of the garden from the gazebo in the center of the garden. I took the movie by sliding around the gazebo as I filmed. The other movie is of the light pattern on the wall by a small canal near Nitobe garden. Light reflecting off the waves in the canal produced the neat pattern.

There are movies associated with this collection.

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Click on images below to enlarge:
Fodder for Museum of Anthropology Panorama